Online Articles
I am a frequent contributor to the Evolution Institute's online magazine This View of Life, which I also manage, and the online magazine, managed by my former student and current associate Robert Kadar. Here is a selection of articles from these magazines plus a variety of other outlets.
A Series of letters with the biologist/philosopher Massimo Pigliucci on human cultural evolution
What Bret Weinstein Gets Wrong About Group Selection.
What All Theories of Social Evolution Share In Common
The Playwright and the Scientist: A Conversation Between Tom Stoppard and David Sloan Wilson
Was Darwin A Group Selectionist: A Conversation with Elliott Sober
Was Hamilton a Group Selectionist: A Conversation with Oren Harman
Blueprint for the Global Village
Evolving the New Economy: Tim O'Reilly and David Sloan Wilson
Humanizing Corporations: A Nobel Prize for Enlightened Business Leaders
The Invisible Hook: How Pirate Societies Prove Economic Self-Interest Wrong
Why Groups Fail (Hint: For the Same Reason That Nations Fail)